Holiday Greetings

From Robert, Elizabeth and Cathy



2013 was a busy and complicated year for Robert and his Mum (Elizabeth), as he prepared to relocate her to New York. This involved tying up a lot of loose ends in England, after Elizabeth had lived in Weybridge for almost 9 years. Cathy did a fantastic job keeping the home fires burning during Robert's nearly 6 month absence, and finally, on July 11, Robert and Elizabeth arrived at JFK airport and everyone was once again under one roof.

The summer was action packed, introducing Elizabeth to neighbors and friends, and doing fun activities like open air music concerts and trips to parks. Cathy and Robert explored some of the usual free jazz concerts in and around New York City.

Cathy has been enjoying her job as a career councelor at Columbia University and is now about to transition to a new job at The New School, in Lower Manhattan, as Director of Experiential Learning. She has also been to some trade fairs where she displayed her beautiful hand made jewelry.

Robert's online music software business continues to attract new customers and has received great reviews from some University professors.

We hope that 2014 brings renewed happiness and joy to all, and we hope to catch up with all our friends soon!


Robert, Elizabeth and Cathy, December 2013.


Martin, Elizabeth and Robert, November 2013